Meet your designer.

My name is Amber Mabe, and I've been drawing since I was able to hold a crayon. Coming from a family of creatives, it’s no surprise that I followed my own path to becoming a graphic designer, earning my associates degree in advertising and graphic design in 2007. Since then, I have operated independently as a freelancer providing branding services to a variety of clients in various industries ranging from crafters and photographers to holistic health practitioners, authors, and counselors. I am especially excited to offer my logo design and branding services to philanthropic endeavors and I have an intense passion for volunteering.

I started doodling out some logo ideas for a new brand image in 2016. I drew owls and mandalas on every surface I came in contact with and one day it just hit me: MANDOWLA (Man-dowl-ah)...Merge the two things I draw the most and make it my brand.

When I'm not busy doing mom things with my four handsome, smart, incredibly funny little boys, I can be found reading, plotting my next tattoo, or volunteering with a local non-profit that aims to crush the opioid epidemic by promoting harm-reduction and connecting individuals struggling with substance abuse disorders to recovery resources.  

If you've read this far, and you are a non-profit organization, message me and I will give you special pricing on your design package.

Schedule a free consultation.

If you’re interested in booking my branding services but aren’t quite sure where to start, please email me to schedule your free consultation call. Or, if phone calls aren’t your thing, a good old fashioned email works great too.